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Story Arcana Quests


Camello Icon Camel Messenger Camello
Rarity 5★
Cost 19
Class Knight
Weapon Blade
Growth Rate Slow (1000 Base EXP)
  Attack HP
Level 1 2700 3000
Level 60 7100 7700
Level 80 9100 9700
Affiliation Lake of Sand
Job Knight


Skill Safra Seif (Mana: 2)
"You're too weak for the desert."
Deal moderate damage to all enemies at the vanguard. If activated on sand, then this special deals more damage and knocks enemies back.
7.5x Damage. Deals 11x Damage and knocks enemies back on sand.


Ability Sandstorm Adaptation
The harsh environment of the desert is said to toughen the mind and body. Normal attacks sometimes inflict blind, and deal more damage to enemies suffering from blind/poison. Also, attack power and critical hit rate rise when on the battlefield with another knight. Camello's unique ability.
30% chance to inflict blind. Deal 50% more damage to enemies suffering from blind/poison. Attack power and critical hit rate increase by 30% when there's another knight.
Camel's Blessing - Requires: The Guide's Pride
The Camel's Blessing grants him the ability to move great distances. Gradually restore HP when on the ally zone. Also, movement speed rises and damage taken falls when on sand. Camello's unique ability.
Restore 4% of HP every 4 seconds when on the ally zone. Movement speed increases by 50% and damage taken decreases by 10% when on sand.
Chain Ability Desert Knowledge - Cost: 4
Attack power rises and damage taken falls when fighting on sand.
Attack power increases by 20% and damage taken decreases by 10%.


A forest sprite of the Sea Breeze Tribe who received the blessing of a camel. Despite being a native of Soul Island, he lives in the Lake of Sand as a guide to the desert. He doesn't talk a lot, but he's excellent at his job.
Voice Junichi Yanagita
Illustrator BISAI


Voice Lines
Sample Unknown


How to Obtain
Fortune Ring Recruit
